The Rogier Telderman Trio is a band led by pianist and composer Rogier Telderman since 2013. The group features bassist Guus Bakker and drummer Tuur Moens, and predominantly plays original compositions by its bandleader. Their music can best be described as cinematic, lyrical and up-to-the-minute. It is equally inspired by jazz icons and by genres like!minimal, rock and classical music. With an investigative approach and a gift to connect to their audience, the Rogier Telderman Trio emerges as on the `Dutch music scene. Moving listeners with lyrical, clean and energetic playing.
Creating stories is what Telderman’s music is about. It is exactly in inspired storytelling where he wants to meet his fellow musician. With his trio, the compositions are a launching platform from which they fire each other to move outside their comfort zones. They continue to reinvent the stories and explore their boundaries on stage. In December 2014 the trio released their debut album ‘Contours’ on RM Records, gaining attention from over the globe

Teldermans solos are virtuoso and his touch is warm and lyrical. He builds massive walls of sounds and also creates sovereign moments of silence. Everything is played without any form of sensationalism and with a concentration and dedication which compels respect. (JAZZENZO, Mathilde Löffler (NL)
…”an album notable for its varied musical and emotional range as well as for is excellent musicianship” (ALLABOUTJAZZ, Bruce Lindsay (UK)
“The Rogier Telderman Trio could become a huge crossover band with the potential to win over hearts and minds (SANDYBROWNJAZZ, Steve Day (UK)
“Contours is a fantastic debut (JAZZZINE.NL, Serge Juliën (NL)
“Rogier Telderman presents his debut album “Contours” with an enervating concert (DRAAIOMJEOREN, Ben Taffijn (NL)